Asia Dengue Submit
Outcomes of the Asian Dengue Summit 13 – 14 January 2016
Within the broader context of the outcomes of the Asia Dengue Summit, we:
- Recognise that dengue continues to be a major global public health threat and the problem is growing.
- Recognise that vaccines would be a useful addition to current prevention and control efforts which, in most cases, are inadequate for full impact.
- Are aware of the licensure of the first dengue vaccine and imminent availability of other promising candidates for preventive vaccination.
- Are cognisant of the strong leadership role provided by the WHO, guided by the Global Strategy for Dengue Prevention and Control, to reduce dengue mortality by 50% and morbidity by 25% by the year 2020.
- Are informed by the urgent need for adequate resources, integrated surveillance, sustainable vector control methods, adequate preparedness for vaccination programmes, including school-based vaccination, appropriate evaluation and monitoring of interventions and need for new methodologies and high-quality pointof-care diagnostic tests.
- Recognise the central role of good science, good communications, the media, strong political leadership and public support.
- Are sensitive to the need to ensure equity, sustainability, ethics and social justice.
The co-hosts of the Asia Dengue Summit make the following Call to Action:
- 1Based on close consideration of their own disease epidemiology, capacities, health infrastructure, financial resources and decision on vaccine registration, call on countries, where appropriate, to develop and implement a carefully controlled stepwise programmatic introduction of dengue vaccine(s), including school-based vaccination and catch-up campaigns, which are closely integrated with other control strategies and the needs and constraints of the health system.
- Call on countries to ensure that vaccine implementation programmes are monitored and tracked, and evaluated for safety, effectiveness and acceptance through sound risk communication and management plans, with good communications, active surveillance, laboratory support and clinical management
- Guided by the need for better integration and synergy of strategies, and in order to avoid fragmentation and duplication, call on various related initiatives to work closely together through global efforts such as the Global Dengue and Aedes-transmitted diseases Consortium (GDAC), including to monitor developments in vaccine and vector control implementation and to perform high-level advocacy with governments and international organizations for vaccine introduction in endemic countries.
- Call for the political will and commitment to accelerate effective dengue prevention and control interventions, including strengthening health systems and ensuring sustainable financing.
- Call on relevant organizations and institutions to continue performing and supporting research to further enhance the impact of vaccination, including biomedical and clinical research, mathematical modelling, implementation and operational research, and post-licensure studies.
- Call on the WHO and other global and regional organisations and initiatives to give higher priority to dengue prevention and control, provide continued leadership, guidance and technical support to countries on the possible introduction of dengue vaccine, and assist with implementation strategies, as well as assisting countries in obtaining sustainable financing.

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